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The Solid.js dev kit you've always dreamed of.


Typesafe. Single source of truth. Frictionless.


Compatible with SolidStart and Solid.js (WIP).


Type safe and validation

Define your routes and params and enjoy of the a validation and type safe routing automatically.

Route params

Path and search params as single one. Simplify the logic joining both params in a single concept and using it where you wants.

Route JSON params

Use any JSON value in your params and don't worry about serialization.

Ready-to-use typed utilities

Use the routing path safely throughout the application.

Controlled components


Use real controlled input components with your Solid.js sigals.

Type safe

Safe typing based on input type.


Inversion of Control

Use the IoC container to manage your services and dependencies with total control.

Safe testing

Inject dependencies manually but with strong typing to check your code.


Single source of truth

Define your schema and use it in everywhere (services, middlewares, api, routes).

Any shape

Shape your objects by making deep changes of any kind (pick, omit, partial, require, nullish, assign).


Server and client united

With the user experience that the API builder offers you, you will believe that client and server are just one.

Type safe with validation

Input validation on both the client (before request) and the server with type safe.



Control the complete lifecycle of your application.


Handle requests with secure typing.