import { SettingsHandler } from "dreamkit";
Handles the settings params using her the constructor created with $settings.
export abstract class SettingsHandler { get(constructor: object): unknown | undefined; set(constructor: object, data: unknown): Promise<void>; protected abstract onLoad(): Promise<Record<string, any>>; protected abstract onSave(): Promise<Record<string, any>>;}
Gets the settings params if they exist, otherwise an undefined value.
Sets and saves the settings params. If the params are invalid it will throw an error.
import { $api, $route, $settings, createAction, Input, s, SettingsHandler,} from "dreamkit";import { createEffect, createResource, createSignal } from "solid-js"; export const AppSettings = $settings .name("app") .params({ name: s.title("App name").string().min(1) }) .generate((input) => ({ ...(! && { name: "My App" }) })) .create(); const fetchSettings = $api.self({ AppSettings }).create(function () { return this.appSettings.params;}); const updateSettings = $api .title("Update settings") .self({ SettingsHandler }) .params(AppSettings.params) .create(async function (params) { await this.settingsHandler.set(AppSettings, params); }); export default $route .path("/") .api({ fetchSettings, updateSettings }) .create(({ api }) => { const [name, setName] = createSignal(""); const [settings, { refetch }] = createResource(api.fetchSettings); const updateSettings = createAction(api.updateSettings).with(() => ({ name: name(), })); createEffect(() => { if (updateSettings.state === "success") { updateSettings.clear(); setName(""); refetch(); } }); return ( <> <p>settings.json</p> <textarea disabled>{JSON.stringify(settings.latest)}</textarea> {updateSettings.error && ( <p>{updateSettings.error.message.toString()}</p> )} <p> <Input placeholder={} value={name} onChange={setName} />{" "} <button onClick={updateSettings} disabled={updateSettings.running} children={updateSettings.title} /> </p> </> ); });